
Walking I know now that I have the blessings of God even though I've had times in my life that I did not walk closely with Him. It proves to me that He alone knows what is is in my h eart, even when I don't. The words I've spoken in anger and sometimes even rage He covered; my actions that look like the depravity in the world; He covered. And even today at 54 years of age I am still able to walk in my flesh and not in His Spirit and that too, He covers. I recognize and know I still am in this journey and I sometimes wonder " Will I ever have victory over these things I struggle with daily... My irritability and quick on the draw with unkind words tossed in the air like flaming arrows that seek to take down all in their path. My humanity so fragile, HIS SPIRIT SO STRONG. Come Holy Spirit fill me, consume me, overtake me until my walk looks like His. Galatians 5:16 I say then walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the fle...