
Showing posts from March, 2012

Launch Out

Launch Out Into the Deep Read Luke 5:1-11 What is it about Jesus? When we recognize He is near - everything changes - life springs forth in newness and love flows. Minding the task before me I feel a nudge - a little distraction so I ask "Is that you Lord?" Before I know it I am immersed in something so big, so exciting, so NOT of this world and unlike anything I've ever experienced. YIELD, YIELD, YIELD! Open up and do not let the Jesus of "OUR DAY" pass you by. He is speaking to you! Have you heard the story of the fishermen at the lake who were  cleaning up their equipment - (an everyday chore to be ready for  the next work day.)When a man named Simon looks up and sees a  crowd of people and a man climbing into his boat. The guy asks Simon to take him out from shore just a little. Then He sits down and begins to teach the crowd from the boat. When He finishes He says to Simon "launch out into the deep " and let down your nets ...