
Showing posts from April, 2012

Scattered Seed

Scattered Seed Read Deuteronomy 28:1-8 Obey me and I will raise you above the circumstance. I will pour out my blessing and you will be overtaken with my goodness.  When you hear my voice, turn toward me - I want to tell you secrets that belong to only my children. Scatter, Scatter, Scatter Obedience to me will take you in and out of the city and into the country, a beautiful land that stretches out far before your natural vision. Plant this land with seeds taken from my hand. I will bless what you sow. There is no shortage of seeds for the crop I've placed inside your heart. So let go, toss them in the air. Do you feel the wind? It will carry your seeds to the four corners of the earth. The more you cast, the more I'll place in your basket, it will never be empty! Sometimes enemies will rise up in this land, but do not fear. I will defeat them right before your eyes. They cannot steal the seeds you've scattered, nor  keep them from sprouting. I have promi...

Gaze and Praise

Gaze Into My Eyes Sing Praises Read 2 Chronicles 20:12-21 When your life sings the praises of who I am, I will send my armies to fight off every enemy that wants to overtake you. When you are at that place of overlooking the wilderness - cry out - sing - praise - worship and press through! I promise the storm that's coming just over the horizon will be called backup into the heavens, the skies will clear and your heart will be lifted to such heights. The wall cloud that was descending with all it's funnels will not touch your ground because I am there and it is holy ground. You are mine, my cherished bride and when your eyes gaze into mine, my love is reflected and all those who turn to look will see the love that I your bridegroom cherishes and protects. They will want to follow you right into my kingdom of safety and power so they too can overcome all that wants to overtake their life, will and emotions. Keep your focus, my voice will lead and gu...