
Come God speaking Come, come up here with me, I have a story to tell you... There was a man in Judah named Zacharias whose ability to speak was taken from him because he did not believe I could make it possible for his wife Elizabeth to bear a child in her old age. I could not allow any words of doubt or unbelief to be spoken over this holiest of holy event that was about to be birthed. Next we have a young lady in Nazareth named Mary and although she was afraid when the angel Gabriel showed up "She got it." She received what was told her by the angel Gabriel, (that she would conceive in her womb and bring forth a son even though she was a virgin) she laid aside her pride, knowing the shame and sentence that could come to an unmarried woman found to be with child. Terry Speaking My soul cries out against Gods calling, but let my spirit rise up! Even if what He asks of me makes no sense, Let the words of my mouth be, "Le...