
Showing posts from 2014

A Gift

A Gift I believe God made me to be a champion To run  And not be weary To walk and not faint Yet just like the grinch t here is my other self  Who wants to run Run to the top of a mountain Away from the world Where no one can hurt me Or remind me of my mistakes and weaknesses Why am I so afraid Why at times do I want to run and hide I believe God uses my life and everything I face To challenge me to a race Not the kind of race the world runs But rather one that pushes me to run  To run toward a destiny so wonderful so fulfilling  I cannot even begin to imagine It's the da ta da of life when the drape is removed To reveal the most precious and beautiful gift   I've ever received I believe if I could have been a shepherd  And gotten to lay my eyes on sweet Jesus I would understand in a different realm or would I... One thing I know for sure though  Is this I was ...

Are You Tethered to Shore

Are you Tethered to shore Has there been a big storm recently sending you rowing as fast as you can to tether your boat, and secure it on shore? This morning I had a very vivid picture in my mind of a small boat tethered at shore and I was grasping for something to stable me, something to stop my boat from going out to sea.  Then I heard my Saviors voice telling me He was here, sitting right here in my boat, just waiting for me to calm myself enough to see Him and hear Him. Although it looked like a big ominous storm coming He asked me to trust Him,  to untie my boat  to undo the knot  let the rope fall   Just let go of everything My mind was racing, but I let it all go! I Dropped it into the sea, watched it sink, it was heavy, I realized at that moment I was never expected to secure it and would have drowned had I not let go.  As I was untying the knot, my spirit began to experience expectation...

How Many Weapons Do You Have

How Many Weapons Do You Have I've wondered lately why it seems I hear from God so much on the subject of battles, warnings, difficult situations and now just this morning on what weapon is needed to fight this battle I've found myself in. I didn't have to wonder long before 2 Corinthians 10:4 popped up in my spirit. "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal..." BUT, BUT, are you ready? 'Cause here comes the answer... "but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. Ok fine, so let's answer first, what is a stronghold? The dictionary says - stronghold is "A well fortified place; fortress - then I checked out synonyms and I saw the word "keep" so I ask, what is it that keeps me in these chains all bound up this time? Ah ha, I have failed to stay "focussed on Him" He says He will keep me in perfect peace when I do. Sounds easy enough, right? Well not for me, I find myself exhausted, confused and thinking whet...

There's A Road

There's A Road There's a road taken, that leads to life But make no mistake, it looks like death over and over again When a mother watches her beloved child grow but never sprout wings to fly Her knees become the posture that supports her as s he cries aloud, sometimes screaming, Her words seemingly drift off to nowhere Then one evening the prophet tells her  "Your words have reached the very throne room of God Dear ones, let me encourage you, no matter what you face today you can make it through and you will  raise your arms high in victory as you run across the finish line. This victory assures us the next time we enter into battle, that victory lies ahead, because God has already written all of our days.  He is the author of the book and given us the end of the story, in the back of the book and guess what? "WE WIN" When my husband told me this just this morning it gave me such hope. "WE WIN"  Hold on to that trut...

Behind the Clouds

Behind the Clouds Sometimes in the extreme pressure of life We lose site of His  presence  Then the cloud rolls back And we can breathe I realized today  The sky is still blue  The sun is still shinning Even behind the cloud of darkness So whether I see it with my physical eyes Or not  It's there And so is my God... Through all the storms and violent  turbulence  Hang on to Him Even if you can't see Him He's there Jason Upton's song "In His Presence" reminds me that all  fear is gone in His presence! Bless each one of you with His presence today! Terry Here is the link