There's A Road

There's A Road There's a road taken, that leads to life But make no mistake, it looks like death over and over again When a mother watches her beloved child grow but never sprout wings to fly Her knees become the posture that supports her as s he cries aloud, sometimes screaming, Her words seemingly drift off to nowhere Then one evening the prophet tells her "Your words have reached the very throne room of God Dear ones, let me encourage you, no matter what you face today you can make it through and you will raise your arms high in victory as you run across the finish line. This victory assures us the next time we enter into battle, that victory lies ahead, because God has already written all of our days. He is the author of the book and given us the end of the story, in the back of the book and guess what? "WE WIN" When my husband told me this just this morning it gave me such hope. "WE WIN" Hold on to that trut...