
Showing posts from March, 2016

Learn, Desire Love

I'm so inadequate at loving I need a breakthrough I need to have victory To be able to put others first To take my focus off myself and  look at those around me When my husband died I began feeling very needy Self focused Yet alongside of it all A deep desire to find God w as arising inside my being To find Him To see Him Then to my heart He spoke these words  "I'm right here" "I've always been right here" "It's time" "It's time to see Me" "To walk hand in hand" "You are my disciple" "You have given the one thing I've asked for" "Your heart" Then He gave me Russell Since that time It's been like walking with Jesus Watching Russell love and serve me and others Never looking to satisfy himself I'm learning I have a strong desire to love that way The way Russell allows Jesus to love others through hims...