A Storm is Raging

A Storm Is Raging

Just when you think you are giving all, you realize so much has been swept aside by this raging storm named "Care giving" and scattered your life from here to who knows where. I miss my kids and grand kids so much. No longer is the freedom there to just hop in the car and go see a soccer game, or pop in and have a cup of coffee, or meet for lunch at "Mimi's' Cafe. And it seems for this time relationships are hard. Our kids need us and when we can't be there for them in the physical to lend that helping hand I think they begin to think we don't care. So what to do with all these added sorrows when we barely have the energy to get through all the tasks at hand every single day? I have to believe this is a time that God says "I got your back" (and your kids and grand kids). I have to have faith that I am not the only person that can help my kids when they need something. I guess there is a sorrow also that I didn't do enough when I could have and yet that too is unproductive and demonstrating an inability to forgive; yes it is hardest to forgive oneself than any other person on this planet. Maybe I am just rattling on but does anyone struggle with these same things, or am I alone in this? I think I am going to have to let Jesus in the boat during this raging storm and believe He will calm the winds. Thanks for listening!

Blessings, Terry

Scripture references - John 6:18-21


  1. The picture is hauntingly beautiful... we miss you and we know we are loved... I do miss you soooo much...

  2. Terri, I do know where you are completely. My girls often feel they are short changed. Not knowing I stretch my self thin sometimes trying to be all things to all people. I also have to leave them in God's hands and hope he teaches them to understand and also to fly on their own. My heart goes out to you--it is a difficult time in our lives . Thank God for his mercy and grace.

    Love ya, Debbie Tucker


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