He will take you up on a high mountain
Just after God told Jesus He was His beloved Son, and right before His (Jesus) ministry really got going, something happened that I think is worth taking a look at. The devil shows up at a time when Jesus was physically weakened. He'd just spent 40 days in utter closeness with His Father, fasting, praying, and seeking; getting prepared for His calling here on earth. "Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. (Luke 4:5) Because you see the world is all he has to offer, God has so much more for his children! Now I don't think the enemy has changed his ways of doing things. If he is so bold as to go after Gods' Son it shouldn't surprise us that he'll come after us when we have heard from God in a powerful way. Example: I have been on a path of restoration and deliverance for awhile now and God has revealed much to me. Having said that, there was still something inside me ...