He will take you up on a high mountain

Just after God told Jesus He was His beloved Son, and right before His (Jesus) ministry really got going, something happened that I think is worth taking a look at.

The devil shows up at a time when Jesus was physically weakened. He'd just spent 40 days in utter closeness with His Father, fasting, praying, and seeking; getting prepared for His calling here on earth. "Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. (Luke 4:5) Because you see the world is all he has to offer, God has so much more for his children! 

Now I don't think the enemy has changed his ways of doing things. If he is so bold as to go after Gods' Son it shouldn't surprise us that he'll come after us when we have heard from God in a powerful way.

Example: I have been on a path of restoration and deliverance for awhile now and God has revealed much to me. Having said that, there was still something inside me I was unaware of. For years now I have applied myself to learn all I can about photography. I joined a camera club, took college courses,  an online class, read several books and have studied and studied. But something happened the other day that God used to get my attention. I was on the computer working on my photography website when all of a sudden my computer went down (NO POWER) so I pushed the power button and voila it was on again,  but where were all my pictures? I was shocked to say the least. But this happened right after pushing the key that would send my photography website to the internet; which by the way I did not feel at peace about doing but pushed that key anyway. God had definitely gotten my attention. All my pictures, GONE

 I went to the Apple store the following day so they could determine what went wrong. They were very helpful and told me they were going to fix my computer and also upgrade my opperating system to the latest "Snow Leopard" without charging me anything! Coming out of the store (leaving my computer for them to work on) I was overcome to the point of weeping. Gods' love, faithfulness and favor was overwhelming. But at the same time I was recieving a message loud and clear (via the Holy Spirit) that my purpose on this earth was not to be a famous photographer like I had hoped and dreamed. Yes He would continue to use my photography just as He had been for years, to minister to others; but He was asking me to let go of my dream in exchange for His calling on my life. And it's strange, because a feeling of peace and relief came over me and this extreme joy entered my being and I found a huge smile on my face as I sat there in the parking lot of the Apple store.

What I see now is the devil will take us up to the highest mountain, where it looks so beautiful and he will tempt us but I need to remember " I am here to serve God..."and it's then that Satan flees and God will come and the comforter will come and show me the ultimate and wonderful life He has planned for me, and that is when my spirit will soar. I have chosen to follow Him. Praise The Lord? Yes I praise Him for His infinite wisdom and love.

And just for the record, God did work out the ordeal with my computer, even though I had to go back a second time I trusted He knew what He was doing and that it would indeed work out the way He wanted it to. And not only was the problem found but all my pictures were too! So now I am free to enjoy capturing all the beautiful creatures and life moments that constantly surround me!

(I would like to tell you that when this happened My husband asked and thanked God that my pictures be returned to me, and told me not to worry, and he was right.) Thank-you sweetie! And thank you Father for once again guiding me. 

Scripture Reference: Luke 4:1-15

Picture Title: "High Mountain Experience" Taken by: Becky Scott


  1. Your love and devotion to Mike and your marriage has been and will be rewarded. Mike is smiling down at you and is so proud of you. The Lord will comfort your heart and bring you peace and healing. Mike loved and still loves your for loving him and being there for him through it all, and is waiting to welcome you when you join him in the eternal glory with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the meantime, embrace, enjoy and give thanks for those in your life now who love you and are there for you. Bless you and I pray that the Lord comforts you with the peace that passes all understanding.


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