Great Faith

My attempts to grasp hold of a living faith has failed

You Say

"Yes because you are human"

But God isn't and He wants us to have earth shaking faith

I propose to you 
The reason my faith is lacking 

I have not spent enough time in His word 
 Communing with The Almighty God of our universe

I also know several if not all of Jesus followers 
Had the same exact challenge even though they were with the Living Word everyday

Thus we have Peter
Who stepped out of the boat...
Only to stand for a moment 
Matthew 14:31

Then there was the storm that came and washed over the sides of the boat
 Onto Jesus and His disciples
Causing them to tremble in fear and Jesus was right there
Matthew 8:26

Jesus pointed to the beautiful fields 
Saying how beautifully they all are dressed
Luke 12:28

Then He poses this question
"How much more will He clothe you O you of little faith"

I see in this passage that Jesus went on to say 
"Do not fear..." 

He calls us "little flock" Not Mighty Warriors  
So I have to think that He knew faith was something not easily grasped 

And yet He makes known to us Throughout scripture
How very, very important it is to pursue and grasp how to obtain faith

Reading on Jesus is talking about The Faithful and Evil Servant
Luke 12:35
"Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning"

Our waist is to be girded with the piece of armor called the "loin belt"
Ephesians 6:14
The loin belt is the central piece of weaponry holding other pieces in place and represents 
The "Written Word of God" His Truth

So our waist is to be girded 
Girded is a verb meaning "to prepare oneself for action"

So in the context of Luke 12:35
We need to have Gods written Word in us knowing truth
And truth prepares us for the battles that will come

We also need to make sure our lamps are full of oil
Which "oil" is representative of the Holy Spirit

So if our hearts are full of truth (Gods Word) we will be able to hear the Holy Spirit

I believe with all my heart as I learn to be a faithful servant, reading and studying The Word of God that my lamp will indeed stay full of oil which in turn will allow me to act in great faith when an opportunity arrises where Great faith is necessary.



Bless Y'all


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