Though the Sea is Raging

Though The Sea is Raging

What is it about the high seas that cause such havoc in my life? I am going along pretty peacefully and wham the wave hits with a force that feels like it's going to capture me and take me under and out to the deepest, darkest, most frightening place it can find. 

One such event that recently came crashing into my being was the death of my sweetheart. I have never felt such pain in my entire existence here on this earth. It was as if I was being tossed around in the violent undercurrent with no way to escape; completely encapsulated with fear and pain, I wasn't sure I would come out alive. Then the sea washed me to shore and I was so bruised and bloody I could hardly walk. So I sat there and cried like a baby and then cried some more and some more, until there was not another tear that would spring forth from my swollen eyeballs. 

OK, so I guess I established "It Hurt" But the other part of the story is there was a power all around me that's very hard to explain. It was as if someone was in  my bedroom every morning. As my eyes would open I'd feel peace and joy.... Hmmm, can peace and joy exist in the same space as pain, anger, and overwhelming sadness? Well you wouldn't think so, but I am here to tell you I witnessed that very thing. My God was so near to me every waking hour I could literally feel His presence; and sometimes it was as if He would be sitting with me and enjoying a cup of Organic Starbucks coffee, and I'd find myself in conversation with Him just as if He had taken Mikes' place; My Spirit communing with My Father in heaven who was fulfilling His word "For your Maker is your husband, The Lord of hosts is His name;..." Isaiah 54:5 He is so sweet and kind and gentle; truly a gentleman beyond description and I love Him. So if there is something in your life raging let Him carry you... I know He will.

Blessings, Terry

Scripture reference: Isaiah 54:4-5


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