The Land of Milk and Honey

This is the land I have promised you. Milk and honey flow through it's valleys and rise with nourishment. Are you weak, thirsty, and in need of a drink?

Come to Canaan, the promised land. Journey with me. Leave all former life patterns. Enter into a way of living that will never disappoint or defeat you.

Bring with you a lantern filled with oil to light your way. Once on your way, never turn back to the skeletons behind you. They are dried up bones, buried, disintegrating and gone forever in the soil of your past. Your past will not dictate what is ahead any longer. When you see what I have planned for this journey you will only desire to keep going. C'mon my sweet, come... look around... listen... Can you hear  the sound of my heartbeat? The faster you run with me the stronger our hearts beat as one. You are the daughter I've been waiting for. Today is the day you have journeyed through the birth canal of my everlasting promises. Welcome to the land of Canaan, where my word stands true. 
The land of milk and honey

Blessings, Terry

Scripture References: Exodus 6:2-9
Picture Title:  "The Promised Land"
Taken By: Russell Green


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