Untangled Lines Catch Fish

Untangled lines Catch Fish

Read John 15:1-14

Sometimes the cares of this life get me tangled into a knotted up ball. 
As the day gets going, I sometimes find myself unable to reach the plan set before me.

And I hear
"Take Heart - There is hope"

We took our very young grand sons fishing
And they were so excited...
It didn't take but a few minutes before their fishing lines got so tangled that papa had to cut them off and start over.

In John Chapter 15 
Jesus is saying that He is the true vine and that His Father is the vine dresser.

Immediately upon reading this I realize God, my Father, wants to prune every branch in my life that is tangled up and choking out the productive branches. Because they are keeping me from being connected to the vine, which is Jesus.

I think it is interesting that this scripture refers to us as branches and Jesus as the vine. It is habit for vines to grow and twine themselves around something, which in this sense it is us. Jesus wants to wrap Himself around us.

It is in my unyielding flesh that I allow so many branches to grow that the vine begins having trouble wrapping and twining his loving embrace. At this point the Father steps in and begins to prune away all those branches, rabbit trails we've gotten on, leading us nowhere; keeping us tangled and unable to catch the fish He's stocked our pond with.

So Father I yield to you, let everyone reading this today also purpose in their hearts to yield. Prune away every unproductive branch so that we can be skilled fishermen in your kingdom.

I realize without you I can do nothing. I choose to abide (dwell with) You.

I read this in Smith Wigglesworth Devotional

" A dear young Russian came to England. He did not know the language but learned it quickly and was mightily used and blessed by God. As the wonderful manifestations of the power of God were seen, people asked him the secret of his power, but he felt it was so sacred between him and God that he would not tell it. But they pressed him so much that he finally said to them, "First, God called me, and His presence was so precious that I said to God at every call that I would obey Him.I yielded and yielded and yielded until I realized that I was simply clothed with another power altogether, and I realized God had taken me - tongue, thoughts, and everything - and I was not myself but it was Christ working through me."
When he calls me to prayer - will I yield?
Have I failed to respond to His hand upon me?
The "buts" in my attitude toward the word of truth tells me there is something unyielded to the Spirit."

Taken from: Smith Wigglesworth Devotional 
Page 324

Bless Y'all



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