If My People

If My People

This last week has been a very tumultuous time in my spirit with all that's been taking place here in my land, the USA. Yesterday when I returned home from intercessory prayer I was so grieved over the state of our Nation here in America and also the world, that I could not stop crying. I asked my husband Russell if we could just take a drivel

I began to share with him all that was on my heart; The Druze people that were seeking asylum, our own country no longer standing with Israel, the South Carolina people whose families were murdered during their bible study, Our Supreme Courts decision to change what God has ordained for marriage being between one man and one woman. And it all felt like a landslide of attacks that couldn't be stopped.

I also shared with Russell how in the midst of us praying for all these things and others how God started to encourage all five of us women with specific and personal words that only He could know. He truly hit the mark for each one of us as encouraging details were spoken to us.

Russell and I ended up down by the lake and with our eyes watering our cheeks we started to feel the heaviness lift, here we were praising God over coffee with smiles on our face and peace in our hearts as we drove back home.

This morning as I sat reading The Word and talking to God I found myself whispering the sweet name of Jesus, calling out His name "Jesus" (there is power in that name) calling out His name I picture His angels bounding to the earth, fiery swords in hand as they come to battle for all the ones I'm praying for and all of the circumstances going on down here. As I'm praying for the hearts of our leaders here in the United States of America, I feel my spirit being quickened by His Spirit within me and I heard the scripture from II Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Upon hearing this I realized we do not have to be dependent on our Government for any outcomes, God is calling for His people to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, turn from our wicked ways; He's put it in our hands brothers and sisters!!!! This is exciting to me!!!

"Oh God search my heart and show me if there be any wicked way within me, cleanse me oh God, forgive me, help me to walk in a manner worthy of being a child of the "Most High" your child, I am crying out to you Father "forgive me, I am turning from that sin, help me Holy Spirit to stay pure."


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