Now Smile

Now Smile When I am unable to love someone because of jealousy Repentance is much needed So how do I repent Lord To truly set my heart free To break out of these chains that are wrapped so tightly around my heart How will I ever truly be able to love in the same manner Jesus loves Be Kind Reach Out Speak kind words to and about her Set aside fears that say "I will never be good enough to be recognized" Quit performing Follow my leading I'm taking you somewhere great and exciting But Unless you keep your eyes on me you will get lost As long as you are seeking recognition In the place of me You will never be able to get where I want to take you It's ok to NOT be the best Consider This No one is the best Because everyone is individually created To be her best And there is only one of each of you NOW SMILE !!!! Acts 26:20 "...they should repent an...