Love ~ Life ~ Adoption

My Picture in 1973

Love ~ Life ~ Adoption
My Story

I want to write about a love so dear to me, until now, at 59 years of age I have not been able to fully understand, nor have I been able to give an accurate description of.

This wonderful love came to me on a night in 1973 when I was tossing and turning, unable to sleep. My mind was racing with so many thoughts.

I found myself walking downstairs to the bedroom door in the foyer of this beautiful old house I'd been calling home for the last 5 months. I knocked on the closed door. There behind the door came forth the sweetest voice "Come in dear" it was as if she was expecting me. Just the sound of her voice  brought a fresh wind of love and acceptance to my aching heart. I opened the door and there sitting on the side of her bed she beckoned me to come sit as she patted the mattress with her hand. Although I was not aware of it This was the moment that marked the day I would begin a new life and put an end to the life I had been living. 

Let me back up a bit and give you some details that led up to this night at Dupores, (a home for unwed mothers) that changed my life forever.

I was like a lot of young girls living out my teenage years in the early 70's. I was also unlike many whom I would encounter at school everyday as I desperately tried to reach out, to fit in and just find a spot where I belonged. 

My parents moved us from southern Idaho to just across the Washington state border when I was entering my freshman year. I was having a pretty hard time finding myself, I truly was a very lost young lady. My growing pains were not just painful to me but to my whole family as I sought happiness through drinking, drugs, and my boyfriend. I just wanted to feel loved, I wanted to belong... and that's how I found myself facing life at this moment with the biggest decision I would have to make not just for me but for my baby who was fast approaching entrance into my world.

So as I knocked on our house mother's bedroom door I was hoping to find the answers I needed for my baby and me.

Sitting next to Mrs. Strom, her eyes of compassion reached down to my very soul and somehow I knew I would receive from her exactly what I needed. I couldn't stop the tears or the words from spilling out of my eyes and mouth. When I paused and took a deep breath she began to tell me about a man that wanted to help me. She told me He knew what I was facing, in fact she said, He knew everything about me and my life. She told me His name, it was "Jesus". I had heard about this Jesus ever since I was young but this didn't sound like the same Jesus I had learned about and I certainly didn't know Him like she seemed to. But at that very moment something welled up in my spirit and when she asked me if I wanted to know Him I said YES! It was that night right there beside this beautuful old woman, that I met Him, the man who died to set me free and give me hope. Yes, His name is Jesus. My life as I had known it ended right then and my new life began, as I took the hand of Jesus. I can still hear Mrs. Stroms' sweet prayer as she placed her hand on my pregnant belly.

That night I was adopted into an eternal family and that night I decided my baby would get adopted by a family who had been wanting and waiting for a baby boy. 

I want you to know it was hard to allow my beautiful gift, my son, to be placed into the arms of another woman, but God had given me the answer for which I was searching for that night, and peace had come into my heart.

It is 42 years later now and I found my son David two weeks after he accepted Jesus as his savior and he is wonderful and beautiful and amazing. I thank God for Mrs. Strom and Davids parents, but most of all I thank Jesus for coming to meet me at DuProes and loving me that night.

Many people have stories just like me of when they met Jesus, this just happens to be mine!!!

God Bless you, 

My Picture now with my Husband Russell

Scripture References: NASB

2Corinthians 517 
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold new things have come.

Galatians 4:3-7 
So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world. But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those where under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.


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