
A Threatening Storm

  A Threatening Storm What appeared as the greatest storm I'd ever face was upon me! I heard the Dr.s voice saying well there wasn't much clarification in the cat scan about that lump in the back of your throat but there's a lot of notes about what did show up... You have a meningioma tumor on your brain........ I immediately went into shock as I really never thought I would ever hear that word again in my lifetime. You see my former husband had suffered twelve years with a meningioma brain tumor and it finally took him home to heaven. So with uncontrollable tears streaming down my face I really didn't hear much more except he would schedule me for an MRI and an appointment to  see a neurologist. I left his office completely numb and in total disbelief of what he told me. The next day the imaging office called and scheduled my MRI, and on and on it went with tests, appointments, followup appointments, other specialists with more imaging and when w...
“A Full Heart” As the battery operated lights start to dim on the mantle and the Jesse tree; Life seems to rest on calm.  It’s the day after Christmas, the last candle of advent has been lit, the presents are scattered about the room with no pretty wraps, ribbons or bows. There is hush over Bellevue Drive; And I want to linger here a little longer, hold tight to Jesus lying in the manger while Papa reads “The Greatest Gift”. Children’s laughter and smiles reflected on all the faces of the givers remain, and will be cherished forever. Moms, Mimi‘s, Nanas, and aunts all settle with a deep breath, and calm rest gently this morning after Christmas. There’s leftover pie, turkey and ham, so the day will be easy, slow and divine. I feel my heart being tugged in the direction up the stairs to my little prayer corner, and I submit. My heart is full ,and I just have to empty all the praises welling up inside me. Christmas day is past… And my heart is full Reflections of Christmases past by: ...
The Road Called Advent Open the door to advent Look down the streets of gold They're all here Those whose hearts were torn, b loodied and ripped open Those who were beaten  And drug  down the muddied streets o f a world created to embrace them... He too, w as beaten and drug down these same streets  Can you now see them playing on all the streets of gold? Laughing and singing,  hearts glowing and filled with joy Celebrating the promises  All the promises come true There is no more sorrow  Hearts and lives no longer torn to pieces Bodies hurt no more   Babies are loved and held and kissed and cuddled Every captive heart set free is soaring in jubilation Jumping and spinning and dancing is the scene before my eyes A most beautiful scene   All aglow u nder the majesty of His presence Advent walks us and all our brokenness   T hrough all the muddied ...
Advent is Here Do you ever just feel 6 years old? I did this morning when I came back to Advent...When I cuddled up on the couch after Russell had gone... advent together every morning is so special but do you remember being a kid?... longing for time... just you and daddy?... for me it was 5 kids, me being the second youngest, and the youngest girl, and there were times I just wanted to be alone with my daddy, just me and daddy...sitting together, being together, with no other... but him and me. And when I returned this morning to the advent reading and started singing silent night, it became silent, and I visited the hillside with the stars shining bright... it felt like a holy place, calm in the twilight under the bright stars and I was being called to come...✨come and be... just me and Him🌟
Reset  Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved... Lord Clear my spirit of the invasion of my soul and it's soulish, selfish ways. It  seems to be my default. Your ways Lord, your high and lifted ways, seem unreachable this morning; and then you whisper, "It's the distractions of everything around you that wants to carry you away from my presence." "I know Lord, I'm fighting to stay, to surrender it all." Then I remember, this battle is yours not mine, this battle to just be still in your arms. "Oh my beloved, how can I live in this torn up world and not be distracted by all the noise?" Take me away my bridegroom King, set me atop the mountain of your heart, deafen my ears, and reset the default of my heart to your voice alone. The Bridegroom King 5)Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the a...
Surrender to Thankful In the quiet of morning... all is hushed... I exhale  the sting,  the words that cut my heart Be hushed my soul... Wood holds each pane obstructing my  view out the upstairs window,  dividing my thoughts  into splintered pieces  like my compartmentalized heart. The wings of the robin carry her to rooftops she lifts her head in song... Inhaling His breath my heart surrenders... Surrenders to "Thankful" 

Life is a Garden

The nut tree stands tall above the rooftop of the blue house next door. Woody husks split wide open, forced to break and spit their fruit to the ground. The passerby stops to fill his stretched shirt... The squirrel busily gathers his winter stash... The Tall man and "his girl" wear out knees filling buckets to crack, and roast these gifts golden brown. A few blocks down, over the bridge and go left, the woman grey and girl not half grown sit in a room behind a white door. As the words from the mouth of the girl half grown spill forth speaking of things she should never have endured, the rain from her eyes start to fall... I doubt she's aware of the garden and seeds being sown in her heart, right here, right now. And that every drop of her tears are being used to water them. And that there is one who tends to these things, hoe in hand He prepares the soil of her heart to receive... to grow into a beautiful tree named life... her life... her babies life... The woman g...