The Road Called Advent

Open the door to advent
Look down the streets of gold
They're all here
Those whose hearts were torn, bloodied and ripped open
Those who were beaten 
And drug down the muddied streets of a world created to embrace them...
He too, was beaten and drug down these same streets 

Can you now see them playing on all the streets of gold?
Laughing and singing, hearts glowing and filled with joy
Celebrating the promises 
All the promises come true

There is no more sorrow
 Hearts and lives no longer torn to pieces
Bodies hurt no more  
Babies are loved and held and kissed and cuddled
Every captive heart set free is soaring in jubilation
Jumping and spinning and dancing is the scene before my eyes
A most beautiful scene 
 All aglow under the majesty of His presence

Advent walks us and all our brokenness 
 Through all the muddied streams of life, and over all the mountains of pain
It sits us right down in front of the creche 
Where HE is all aglow 

Remembering all that was gone through for Love 
His love for me 
I fall to my knees with all of heaven and say 
Glory to God in the highest, Peace and goodwill toward men

 Choose peace ~ Choose Him 

This is the road called Advent


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