Let us run to the camp of the Lord

Surely many of us at one time or another, have had the realization that what we thought our life was going to be, isn't what it is turning out to be. Sometimes we fight this realization by trying to make it work, striving and striving, only to wake up one day and realize it isn't what we wanted at all. God knows! God knows us! God knows what we are going to wake up and have a passion for every morning because He is the one that breathed the breath of life into us. And at that very moment our created self became.

So it is time for me to just let go of all the disappointment, shame, and unforgiveness. And allow God to show me if there is anything back there that needs attention, or areas that deliverance is needed. Once I am clear on these things I can be assured RESTORATION is my portion. What has been stolen by the enemy will, absolutely will be restored and returned to me.

We do however have to be willing to push through until the victory comes and sometimes this takes some doing. In the book of Joel I read in the second chapter "the day of the Lord is coming..." And that is something to celebrate. I see the description of life being a bit rough. But also it is very clear that we are in training to be "skilled horsemen" and able to run and leap over mountaintops, wow! Listen to this description starting in verse 7. They run like mighty men, They climb the wall like men of war; Every one marches in formation, and they do not break ranks. They do not push one another; Every one marches in his own column (this word column means highway, each of us has our own path) Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not cut down (These words "cut down" mean halted by losses). They run to and fro in the city, They run on the wall; They climb into the houses, They enter at the windows like a thief. The earth quakes before them, The heavens tremble; The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars diminish their brightness. The lord gives voice before His army, For His camp is very great; For strong is the One who executes His word.

This is a description of a victorious group of people who are listening to the "ONE WHO EXECUTES HIS WORD"

Father let me and every person reading this be willing to execute Your Mighty Word, and Run to Your camp for safety, rest and marching orders. Amen? Amen

Scripture Reference - 2nd chapter of Joel

Picture title: "Run"


  1. I needed to hear this today... I love your blog and all of your references... but most of all I just love you


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