Brick Wall...Is it there to stop me?

Have you ever had such a burden in your heart for someone that watching their pain made you feel so helpless? 

I have had close relationships. Many in which my heart is burdened. Their pain causes me to hurt and I try my best to help them understand that joy and peace can be theirs. They don't have to continue struggling on a road that just goes around and around in a circle, with no focal point, or destination. I've
shared stories with them how my God has helped and provided. They have seen for themselves all the miracles; only to choose erecting a brick wall and because I didn't watch where I was going I ran    right into it.

In Bill Johnson's book "Dreaming with God" he says something that caught my attention on this very subject. And I quote "The Holy Spirit knows what truth to breath on according to the particular season of our life." End quote. WOW! Maybe I want this person to fall in line so I don't have to worry about them anymore. And the hurricane I'm creating is keeping them from feeling the gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit Blowing... Is it possible that brick wall is there to stop me

Now please understand that I am not saying we are not to share Gods love to those who are hurting and having a difficult time. But when they are not receiving maybe it's time to just silently go before the throne... Interceding and waiting on the Holy Spirit to breathe HIS life into the life of those we love. 

Blessings, Terry

Scripture Reference: Romans 8:26-27

Picture Title: "Did you say Stop?" 
Taken By: Terry


  1. Well said. I was struck this week by the line in Col. 3:12 - clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, GENTLENESS and patience. I fear I haven't been terribly gentle with my little daughter as I have admonished her. I set her farther away than she needed to be and in my zeal caused disharmony that made it impossible for me to be the godly mother she needed me to be. Your words are right on, Terry. I love you. Thanks!


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