The Spirit is leading... Who will follow?

I believe God is allowing the old wineskins to burst. 

We His children need to be willing to accept new wine skins, so that He can pour the new wine of His Holy Spirit into us. If we insist on holding onto the old doctrine it will stifle the move of the Holy Spirit, and we will burst and not be a vessel that can hold what is coming. It is a new wine, a different smell, taste and look from the old. And it's coming!!! Who will follow?

Come Holy Spirit fill us with your new wine and those that burst so be it, I will not shut out your newness of life and revelation. Pour into me oh God, fill me, give to me, your servant and friend everything you have to give. I receive it all. Give me wisdom to impart to others in a manner they too can receive. I love you oh God my God. You are my strength, my deliverer, my fortress and mighty hand, always present never failing  and always victorious!

Thank you Father-Remind me it is a childlike heart that allows and draws your Spirit. I choose to follow You!

Blessings, Terry

Scripture Reference: Matthew 11:25
Psalm 144

Picture Taken by: Terry
Picture Title:"Who will follow?"


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