Receiving Cleansing Power

We Can Only Give That Which We Have

If I could only open my heart to receive all He has given, there would be no limit to what I could give. 

"...Freely you have received freely give."
Matthew: 10:8

So how do I learn to receive it all; what is the bible telling me? I need to know, I must know! I cannot fulfill my destiny without knowing. Oh God teach me how to receive the power ~ Your power ~ To give and touch those That are sick in their bodies, minds and hearts. Time seems of the essence... Time is short... Teach me and show me your ways oh God.

Forgiveness ~ Yes Lord

Mercy ~ Yes Lord

This is what God showed me when I asked How oh God do I learn to receive it all, so your miracle working power can flow through me.

Do not take offense! 

Do not take offense over anything - not over Any Thing

And I began to realize my mind gets so cluttered so easily... "Why did she say that?" "Doesn't she know that hurts me?" Boy he sure is ungrateful... just look at all I've done for him...

Offense after offense ~ blow after blow ~ NAIL after NAIL... It's all on that tree and covered with so much blood it's dripping; it cannot be covered anymore than it already is. So let's not try to uncover it from the blood, let us not pick it up is finished. Turn away and leave it on the altar and walk away with thankfulness. That all the filth and destruction is no more... It is finished!

So that is the answer I received... It's a beginning. Let us not become weary in doing good...
Galatians 6:9
"...And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." 

Truth - In - Action 
Taken from "The Spirit Filled Life Bible"
Growing in Godliness
Godliness results from Jesus Christ's living through you by the Holy Sprit. It is not achieved by observing some external code. Any attempt to achieve righteousness through a list of external dos and don'ts is fruitless. God calls us to love and serve others just as Jesus did by the power of the same Holy Spirit and in the same gracious freedom.

Blessings, Terry

Scripture References: Matthew 10:8
                                  Galatians 6:9

Picture Title: Washed By The Blood


  1. That is pretty good. I just finished reading Leviticus and was struck at how intentional God was about teaching us that we worship Him on HIS terms, that our offerings have to cost us dearly, and that the tabernacle is in the center of the camp for a reason - because God needs to be the center of our life or we die. Period. Jesus is found in Leviticus when it foreshadows His sacrifice; He was the Perfect Lamb. So there really is no room for small hurts - God's glory blinds us to them. Thanks for the reminder. Love you.


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