The Sparrow

The Sparrow

God made so many beautiful birds! I have feeders for seed and nectar, birdbaths in several gardens and plants that provide seed and nectar that draws them to our gardens. We also have put out bird houses for them to nest in and raise their young. One jog around the place makes it plain to see "Bird lovers live here!"

So how is it that I could march myself out to the bluebird house, open the door,  and angrily fling the nest to the ground saying, "You sparrows cannot build a nest in my bluebirds house?" Then looking to the ground I see 3 eggs... "Now my beautiful bluebirds can come build their nest."

A short time after this event took place I looked out the window and low and behold another sparrow was perched on top of the bluebird house...only this time I heard the words of Jesus "I don't just love the bluebirds in my world... did you know that two sparrows are sold for a copper coin and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Fathers will?" At that moment I could feel my heart being filled with His love. I started to think about the unlovely in the world. How easy it is to love the lovely. How difficult it is to love the needy, whose head is hung down and dressed in clothes from a charity. Are we drawn to the bluebird who smells like flowers and is adorned in beauty and vibrant colors? Jesus wasn't! The very hairs of their head are all numbered as is yours.

God help me not to cast down my eyes at the sparrows, fill me with your love and use me to give it away.

Blessings, Terry

Scripture References:

Psalm 84:3 
Even the sparrow has found a home...

Matthew 10:29-30 
"Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

Picture Title: The Sparrow
Taken By: Terry


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