Are You Ready

Are You Ready

It's not a mistake you are in this place
Right now
For this is the day 
This is the day 
We start building

Come out to the site
Where the wasteland lies barren 

I'll be your guide continually

 Band together  
Rebuild the land
You have everything you need 


I will guide you

I've satisfied your soul 
In drought

I've strengthened your

You are like 
A well watered garden

 Like a spring 
of water
Whose waters do not 

You shall be called
"The Repairer of the *Breach"
"The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In"

No longer will you point your finger
or speak wickedness

Extend your soul to the hungry
Satisfy the afflicted 

When you do this
A light will shine 
On the desolate places in your land

 I will come and heal your land

I'll teach you to rebuild 
~ On Me ~
 The Foundation and Cornerstone

Are You Ready
Are You Ready to turn from your own pleasure

Rest together with me on the Sabbath
Honor Me
Stop seeking pleasures and speaking your own words

Delight yourself in me
 I will take you for a ride
High on the hills of the earth

Giving your heart perspective
I will feed you with the heritage of your father Jacob

You Are A Builder 
A Repairer of the *Breach

Blessings, Terry

There is a breach that needs repair and He is calling us...

This writing was inspired by Isaiah 58:10-14
Isaiah 58 verses 10-14 (Paraphrased by author)
Picture Title: "There's a Breach"

*Breach - break, gap caused by something breaking through
Strong's Concordance #6556


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