My Eyes Are Upon You

My Eyes Are Upon You 

Wars and rumors of wars

I hear the battle coming...

Right over the horizon 
of my life


God has rewarded me and given me
possession of the land 

And who is this...

Coming to overthrow me

O my God, will you not judge them

For I have no power against this great multitude that is coming against me
nor do I know what to do...

But my eyes are upon you

If disaster comes upon me

I will stand before your temple
in your presence..

I will cry out to you
in my affliction

 And you will hear 
and save

When all of Judah stood before the Lord
in the days of King Jehoshaphat 

...with their little ones, their wives,
and their children

The Spirit of the Lord came
on one called Jahaziel...

And he said

"Listen all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem
and you, King Jehoshaphat!
Thus says the Lord to you
'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude
for the battle is not yours, 
but God's...

'You will not need to fight in this battle
Position yourselves
Stand still
And see the salvation of the Lord
Who is with you,..."

Are you battling something that doesn't seem
to be moving out of the way?

It just might be the Lord's battle 
and not yours

"Are you not our God, who drove out 
the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel,..."


"Who is this King of glory
The Lord strong and mighty, 
The Lord mighty in battle."

Sometimes all that is needed
Is His presence

Amen and Amen!

Blessings, Terry

Scripture References: Psalm 24:8
Theme taken from the 19th and 20th chapters of 2Chronicles
Picture Title: My Eyes Are Upon You
Taken by: Terry

Here is a link to a song that will usher you into His presence!


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