Bare Yourself

Bare Yourself

The Flesh is literal and bound 
My Spirit in you is creative and knows no bounds

Come enter into my presence through worship
I will unlock a realm only known by the angels and Elders

Only you and I will be present 

 I will open to you

 Revelation and power
Like never before 

I am the one who hung on that cross at calvary 


 There is a real calvary
 and because I hung there

 Holy Spirit was unleashed

It's true

And now 
I am on the throne 

Some are offended by this 
but you are not 

Because I live inside you 
truth is revealed 

I have a plan 
Just for you my child

 Come away with me 
Let me speak into your life
The words of life 






 Bare yourself down to the spirit

 I will clothe you 
I will fill your arms with gifts the world needs
 You are the gift bearer 

So come


Shut the door 

Fall on your face before me
 In the throne room of your King 

And you will see
 What makes the angels and elders fall down and cry

Blessings, Terry

Scripture References
Revelation 4:4-11; 6:1-10


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