Keep Watch At The Door Of My Lips

Keep Watch At The Door Of My Lips

Palm 141:1-3 Amp

"Lord I call upon you; hasten to me. Give ear to my voice when I cry to you (listen to me). 

2) Let my prayer be set forth as incense before you, the lifting up of hands as the evening sacrifice. (1Tim. 2:8; Rev. 8:3,4) 
3) Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips."

I want my heart to be so confident that I run without hesitation to Him everyday and every hour. When I am faced with hard decisions and circumstances, I want my voice to cry aloud to Him "Listen to me"

As I read these verses above, my heart was impressed with the nature of this relationship between the Psalmist (David) and "The Father" (God.) It was quite obvious there was no hesitation, fear, or anything within Davids' spirit keeping him from running to God for help. He was completely confident that "The Father" heard his prayer (his request). 

I grew up Catholic, so upon reading the second verse of this Psalm, I thought of the many occasions the priest or bishop would walk down the center aisle of my church swinging the incense carrier, smoke pouring out, the aroma would permeate every nostril in our church with that strong heady perfume; that I can still smell today.

I love the picture being painted here, our cries going before the Father like the incense filling the entire atmosphere at church. It is clear that David knew, Abba Father, (his daddy), heard him loud and clear. Such confidence and trust.

But I am puzzled by the next thing David says. 
"...the lifting up of hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips."

He asks God to set a guard before his mouth and to keep watch at the door of his lips. And as I meditated on this portion I began to realize that although God wants us to embrace Him as "Abba Father" "Daddy," there is an element of reverence and awe needed to be learned for when I approach the God of the universe; which by no means keeps me from running to Him, but at the same time will produce a posture of respect and loving admiration when bringing my requests to Him; as this scripture also shows us the reverent picture of the psalmist lifting up his hands as they do in the evening sacrifices, where obedience and recognition of sins are carried out.

Today as beloved children and workers in His fields it is obvious for us to recognize our Savior, sweet, compassionate Jesus who came down to this earth with us, to minister to all with broken hearts and broken lives, plagued with disease and dysfunction; He lovingly, with great power and authority, set free and healed so many. And even still today, works through all of those who know Him to minister to the hurting, broken world around us.

Let me remember the prayers I send up like incense are producing miracles!



Bless you all today and forever!


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