Taste The Refreshing Water

Taste The Refreshing Water

Once you've tasted and been refreshed 
By a drink of pure spring water 
Pouring out from the rocks in the mountains
No water will ever taste as good to you

Years ago while hiking in the mountains of Canada,
With my brother Mike and his wife Michelle
We stumbled across such a spring 
I can still taste it, ice cold and so refreshing

Many today are in doubt whether or not the savior has come
Whether Jesus truly was and is Messiah...
Or if there even is a true and living God

Let me propose to you; it was no different 
Back when Jesus was on earth...

 Let me also say 
He cared deeply then
He cares deeply now 
He cares that so many are hurting 
And searching
Desperately to find a refreshing spring 
To drink from

Many in that day watched as Jesus loved them
He loved them 
By living with them in their homes
Giving them what they had need of
Teaching them a way to live that would cause them to love life

On one occasion 
Jesus stood and cried out

"If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink"
"He who believes in Me 
as the scripture has said
out of his heart will flow rivers of living water"
John 7:37-38 NKJ

Do you love life
Are you struggling
Has someone you loved passed on to eternity

If so

I want to tell you
Jesus wants to refresh you
He wants to take all that burdens you 
Off from your shoulders 
Give you peace

He says

"Peace I give you
My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you
Not as the world gives do I give to you... 
Do not let your hearts be troubled
Neither let them be afraid
[Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed and do not
Permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]"
John 14:27 AMP 

Jesus didn't condemn then
And He won't 
Condemn you today...

He told the woman who was caught in adultery
That He didn't condemn her 
But also told her to go and sin no more
He knew she would have to leave the sin behind 
In order for her to be refreshed

Take a deep breath...

Drink of some cool spring water...

"If anyone thirsts let hem come to Me and 


He said
"...I am the light of the world
He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness
But have the light of life"
Come out of the dark places
Taste the refreshing water
His living water
On the Lord Jesus
You shall be saved



Be blessed and set free,


Psalm 29:11 AMP
The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.

*Beautiful song to worship with ~ click on link below


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