My Gift ~ It's All I Ever Wanted

My Gift ~ It's all I Ever Wanted

I heard a message recently about embracing what is new

Lord let me not call to mind that which is behind
But to look forward and receive what is mine
My promise from You
The Land

The Place

The Plan

My Destiny

And let me not compare or lust 
After another's gift, destiny, or place

My gift 
You have set before me

My gift 
It's all I ever wanted

Your plans are good for me and not evil
Bountiful, not scant
Exciting, not dull

You are a good, good Father
With love in your eyes, you gaze into mine
And I fall at your feet and worship You
My King
My Savior
The lover of my soul
I adore You Jesus

Merry, Mighty, Christmas 
Brother's and Sister's,

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Hebrews 11:13-16
Jeremiah 29:11

I posted a beautiful song that will promote worship in your spirit
"My King Was Born Today" by Worship Mob on utube


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