My Heart
My Heart is His Tablet
Jesus is the author
Hold still
Write upon my heart Lord Jesus
You are the author and finisher of my faith
My heart is your tablet
Write ground shaking
Earth shattering
Mountain moving faith
I need it now
There is suffering of the brethren
There is a disease named death
But you Jesus
You are the author and finisher of my faith
I will see what faith will do
You say it moves mountains
You say it's the substance of what I hope for
You say it's the evidence of things not seen
My faith sees what is not there
Be cast into the sea
Where you can be seen no more
It is written
"All things are possible to him that believes
It is written
I believed and therefore I spoke
It is written
...Faith is the substance of things hoped for
...Faith is the evidence of things not seen
Oh God
You alone are the author
You alone are the finisher of my faith
I will be still
I know You are God
My heart is your tablet
Blessings, Terry
Faith scriptures
Hebrews 10:23; 11:1-6; 12:2
Romans 1:16-17
Mark 11:23-24
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