Carried Home

Carried Home

Inspired by Him

The ministry of healing is like
A Nurseryman and His workers

He hires many 
Trains them all 

Some to plant
Some to prune
Some to inspect

All are trained to spot at risk and diseased plants, 
And when found 
 Know how to treat and care for them

Upon reaching maturity
Plants are prepared for shipping
(to be placed in the world to beautify)

Sometimes though
No matter how much effort
Is given to relieve a plant from suffering 

The Nurseryman decides to remove it 
From the others

Carries it home with Him
Where He can enjoy its beauty


There are times He just wants to take His kids home.This does not mean we ever neglect doing what He's trained us to do.

In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;…they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

-Mark 16:17-18



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