I Watched as your Eyes Opened

This is the day that My God has given to me
Full of surprises and challenges
But also time to rest in Him

"It's through drawing near to me and resting in my arms
That you will draw strength and confidence
For all I place before you"

"I know your thoughts are many and you are easily pulled 
In the morning hours to get busy "

I know too though
That you hear me every morning 
"I'm here"
I want to pray over you and bless you, child of mine
Come up here and lean into me"
I have much to give you for todays adventures

 I watched as your eyes opened and you stirred in your bed
I've been here just waiting for you to respond to my voice
"Come away with me"
And I will tell you many things which you do not know.
Run into my arms of love and let me fill you up

Many will have need of what I'm about to give to you
So take from me and you won't feel pulled on 
Or suffer any lack

I'm so in love with you my beautiful treasure
Please receive and rest in total dependance on Me


Be Blessed and Know He Loves You

Daniel 2:29
..."while on your bed your thoughts turned to what would take place in the future; and He who reveals mysteries has made known to you what will take place."


  1. It always amazes me how the Lord can restore us from insanity to peace and trust in just a moment in His presence. Can't do life without Him!!


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