I Don't Need Perfection

I don't need perfection
All I need is a willing heart
An open heart
A heart prepared to receive love

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth..."
"My ways are higher than your ways"

"...as the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth..."

I come to you
I will water your seeds and they will sprout
Will you trust me?
Will you take me at my word?

Close your eyes
Quiet your spirit
I want you to hear the sounds of heaven 
Where the trees of the field clap their hands
And the mountains and the hills break forth into shouts of joy before you

Is your heart willing?
Will you open up your heart to love?
Is your heart prepared to receive my love?



Can you hear me?

"Fear not, you will not be put to shame;
neither feel humiliated,
For you will not be disgraced;"

I don't need perfection
All I need is a willing heart
An open heart

Prepare your heart to receive my unconditional love!

Love and Blessings

Scriptures I Referenced 
Isaiah 55:9-10
Isaiah 54:4


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