Struggling To Stay Focussed

So easily overcome 
My mind wanders here and there
 I'm struggling to stay focussed 
I want to be near You

I feel Your Spirit 


Deep down in my spirit

You try to break through the noise

My mind gets between us
I'm struggling to stay focussed 

 I open my mouth to praise You
I open my mouth to sing 

Singing aloud I praise Your Holy Name 
 I hear the praises coming forth

And I enter in

I Enter into Your presence 

I'm In

I'm in the presence Of God

My spirit soars
It reaches the Heavenlies

It's there I meet You
And I'm overcome
Falling prostrate on my face
I feel your touch

Thank you  

Thank you For allowing me to come so near 

You are the God of all creation
Mighty and Holy
Yet gentle and full of love and compassion

I'm overcome with your love 
I'm overcome by You

This song is what took me into His presence! 

Bless You All as you get into His presence


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