To The Very Top

To The Very Top

The mountain is before me
And it seems no matter what I do
It won't move

You need to climb that mountain child
Climb it to the very top

Because when you do

When you reach that summit

All that's kept you bound 
Will be loosed 
It will be loosed from you

Watch it all 
Go crashing down the side of that mountain

It will never have the power to keep you bound again

You My child are victorious
I've already seen what is behind you and in front 

I've had my eye on you 
Watching you climb 

and climb 

and climb

Sweat dripping from your brow

I've seen you bent over in exhaustion

And when your foot slipped and you lost your balance 
I was there

My everlasting arms encircled you
I held you tight 
Your strength was renewed 

Then I watched 
As you soared

Not looking down 

Not looking up

You just kept going

knew at that moment you trusted me 

And I knew

That you knew 

I would always be right here by your side




I will be right here

Bless You,

2Timothy 2:1, 2:3-5
Isaiah 40: 28-31


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