C'mon Smile

C'mon Smile

Sometimes in a battle 
We fall back into the enemies hands

Do not become complacent
Awake every morning to me

Greet me, ask me for 
Whatever you need or want this day

Pour out your heart,
I'm listening to every word

Do you know that every day is Christmas
That I've placed many gifts before you

They have remained unopened

I hear you sigh

I hear your heart pounding

I see tears streaming down your cheeks
My Presence

The gifts I've given you are many
Tear them open
I love to see you smile
Hear your heart beat with mine

1Samuel 2:1
And Hannah prayed and said:

"My heart rejoices in the

My *horn is exalted in the Lord.
I smile at my enemies,

Because I rejoice in 
Your salvation.

Blessings, Terry

*horn: a corner (of the altar), a peak(of a mountain) 
a ray (of light); figuratively, power

Scripture Reference: 1Sam. 2:1
Picture Title:" C'mon Smile"
Taken by: Alicia Lee
Location: Mimi's House


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