The Miracle and Gift

 The Miracle and Gift

Even the very first Christmas was a very busy time...


Joseph and Mary


Angels and more angels

Everyone was in the hustle and bustle of registering for the census, not even realizing the most amazing happening on earth was about to take place.

Traveling to their destination of Josephs hometown to register for the census,
Bethlehem was buzzing with people crowding the city streets.

Angels hastened down to earth to a shepherds field 

Shepherds hastened off to see

Let's hear Luke's account...

"An angel stood before them in the middle of the night..." (it seems babies love to come in the middle of the night) first blinding them with light and then more angels came and a concert began!

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, toward men.

 Although Christmas is still a very busy time, not many seem to want to hear the account of the  multitude of heavenly hosts telling the world

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, toward men.

These shepherds were shaken into a state of excitement unlike anyone could imagine. And they could not wait to tell all the people in the crowded streets what they had just seen come to pass.
The angel telling them "Do not to be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born this day in the city of David a Savior..."

Then actually seeing Him, Jesus, their savior

These shepherds told their experiences to all in the crowded streets of Bethlehem...

It causes me to ponder... what have my experiences been with the savior...

What happened in Bethlehem can happen today as we go out into the busy streets this Christmas!

Personally I need to tell how Jesus got me off the wide path which was leading me to destruction and on to the narrow one which has led me to my destiny...

Jesus is the miracle and the gift to all mankind

Bless every one of you this Christmas with a new revelation of Jesus!


Click on link to hear song 

Scripture that inspired this writing 
was taken from the book of Luke


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