

I’ve seen you spread your wings
Only to fall to the ground

Before you can fly on your own
You will need to develop and grow flight feathers

And while they are developing
I will teach you to travel ‘The Highway in The Sky”

Important to note:
There are no visible signs, guardrails, or road barriers
To keep you on this highway

I will give you eyes to see in the spirit
What others don’t even know exist

I will teach you to fight against principalities, against powers,
Against the rulers of the darkness of this age

The hosts of wickedness in heavenly places all submit to me
Not one has ever or will ever overcome you
As long as you stay nestled under my wing where you are covered
By my feathers

It’s here you will learn about truth being your shield
And buckler

It is here you are protected from the terror that comes at night
And the arrows that fly by day

I keep at bay the pestilence of emotional and mental frustrations that cause sickness
And the evil that walks around in darkness, draining your physical body

Destruction will come to many and you will see thousands fall at your side
But it will not come near you

You are safe, tucked here under my wing,
And my feathers are a soft, warm place for you

Nestle in and open wide the eyes of your understanding
 Learn to fly

Blessings, Terry

Scripture References

Psalm 91


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