2:32 am

2 :32 am

It's easy for me to forget my life is not my own.

Upon being awoken by God this morning at 2:32am 
He impressed upon me to look at Jeremiah 2:32...

"Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire?
Yet my people have forgotten me days without number."

"Really God? Really? 
My heart cries out.

"Yes really"

"You've gotten so busy with all the things I've put on your heart to do
that you've forgotten to come to me for strength to do them"

"And that is why you're tired and your body sick"

"My child you cannot accomplish all these things
without my supplying you the needed strength"

"That is why I woke you"

"I need to get your attention"


"Please don't take another step until you sit with me 
Worship and escape into me..."

Press in...
 Press hard...

Go past the confusion 

Enter into the holy of holies with me
Your God

If you will 
I promise you will leave light
I'll put that smile back in your heart

The release will come 
Your shoulders relax

When you allow me to lift the heaviness

No rebuking 
No "right words"
Not even prayers or oil 
Are needed this time

Just come... 

Blessings, Terry

Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 2:32
Picture title: 2:32
Taken by: Terry


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