Higher Places

Higher Places

Your ways oh Lord are high, keep my foot from slipping.

Beautiful is the climb that leads to you oh God
I'm pressing in, I'm pressing hard to reach you, surrendering all 

Help me oh God of Jacob 
Help me to trust enough to place my child on the altar you've instructed me to build.
Help me lead her to the place of complete, utter confidence that you oh God have the plan and the sacrifice, the perfect unblemished lamb

Surrendering our children to God is a lifelong task, never completed until we are truly able to gather the wood and climb that mountain of obedience, with their hand in ours.

It's a time where if we think to hard we'll just turn and go back... only to experience the defeat of a lifetime. 

God knows how precious is a son or daughter , He knows how truly difficult it is to take our hands off, when everything in us has been given to their training up.

So once again it comes to a crossroad 
Fear and disobedience.

I think that God asks some pretty tough things of me, but it's really only tough when I lack trust and confidence in Him; when I don't allow Him to press me onward and upward to the higher places, getting me past the realms of what makes sense and up to the heights where I can see clearly. My breath may get short up there but He promises to breathe the breath of life into me if I'll let Him.

Remember the higher up the mountain the quieter, crisper and cleaner everything becomes,   beauty breaks forth and clears all my senses to connect to my spirit 

Just climb a little higher He's standing right there 
He's the lamb caught in the bush,
ready, to be your sacrifice.

Go ahead, gather the wood, build the altar 

Take by the hand, up that mountain, what He has told you to offer
 You cannot fool God 
He knows if our heart is truly surrendered

Help me Father  
First to have a desire to surrender all and
 Second to be willing to learn how.

Teach me and guide me until I become a skilled altar builder.
Condition my heart to climb the mountain without tiring.

Blessings, Terry

Please take the time to open Gods' Word and read 
Psalm 18:1-39

Scripture references: 
Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. 

Picture Title: Higher Places
Taken by: Terry
Location: Royal Gorge, Co. 


  1. Aaahh freshness, newness. Comfirmation. Thank you

  2. You are so welcome ~ It's what God has been trying to get me to see also!

    1. Terry, I just wanna tell you how much I love and appreciate you, your words and prayers from the Lord always speak to me :) I love how much you take the time to pray with me and ask me how I am it means a LOT!! to me.. I love you very much and your a HUGE blessing in my life <3 xoxoxoxo Love'Amanda

    2. Thank you Amanda... I love ya!


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