Tunnel Vision
Tunnel Vision
If you've not been successful finding your destiny
Rest assured God has not placed it on the clearance rack
Discounting the price for someone else to come along and snatch up
The value never drops just because it hasn't been discovered
~ There is a cost involved ~
Our destiny is so valuable
Fashioned of priceless substances
Sometimes taking years to complete in us
If we avoid God
Just know He's watching
He'll send aid to help us find it
God really has tunnel vision when it comes to us fulfilling our destinies. He really only cares about us discovering what it is and then totally abandoning our life walking in it... It's joyful, peaceful and the most excitement we'll ever have here on this earth. That is why He placed it inside of us and goes to great lengths to help us find it.
Although it seems hidden at times, once you have found it you'll never exchange it or want a different one. Your destiny will satisfy you the rest of your life here on this earth.
So go ahead ask God to show you, to give you a dream and reveal what is yours.
Blessings, Terry
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 7:7 Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find... NLT
Picture Title: Tunnel Vision
Taken by: Terry
Location: Colorado
Thank you Amanda... I love ya!