
Showing posts from 2016

Move Now

This post is going to be a little different than my usual format...  It's several days after posting "To The Very Top"*  And this morning while worshiping to Elevation Worship's song  "Evidence" I realized that Yes, we sometimes climb the mountain before us to the very top. But what I also saw was that once I reached the summit of that mountain, I had power and authority to speak to it!  I started declaring  "Move Now" "Move Now " "Move Now" "What happens on the mountain can't stay on the mountain" "What happens here has to get there" "And Gods' delivery system is called faith" "Just a little faith"** I believe you will be so blessed by clicking on the link below and declaring to your mountain  MOVE NOW MOVE NOW MOVE NOW God gave us the authority lets use it! * click on the side bar on this screen and open "blog archive" clic...

Is Your Heart Held

Come Meet Me  Is your heart held By My love child Bow Let your heart bow down And surrender all Can you feel the beat Do you feel the vibration It's my footsteps Come Come meet me child It has to be your choosing Choose My love Choose Me Let My Spirit come afresh Let My Spirit give you peace In My presence is fullness of joy Is your heart held by my love Child COME Bless everyone of you! Terry Psalm 62:8 Oh my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 63:1-3 O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory. Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you! 

To The Very Top

To The Very Top The mountain is before me And it seems no matter what I do It won't move You need to climb that mountain child Climb it to the very top Because when you do When you reach that summit All that's kept you bound  Will be loosed  It will be loosed from you Watch it all  Go crashing down the side of that mountain It will never have the power to keep you bound again You My child are victorious I've already seen what is behind you and in front  I've had my eye on you  Watching you climb  and climb  and climb Sweat dripping from your brow I've seen you bent over in exhaustion And when your foot slipped and you lost your balance  I was there My everlasting arms encircled you I held you tight   Your strength was renewed  Then I watched  As you soared Not looking down  Not looking up You just...

Learn, Desire Love

I'm so inadequate at loving I need a breakthrough I need to have victory To be able to put others first To take my focus off myself and  look at those around me When my husband died I began feeling very needy Self focused Yet alongside of it all A deep desire to find God w as arising inside my being To find Him To see Him Then to my heart He spoke these words  "I'm right here" "I've always been right here" "It's time" "It's time to see Me" "To walk hand in hand" "You are my disciple" "You have given the one thing I've asked for" "Your heart" Then He gave me Russell Since that time It's been like walking with Jesus Watching Russell love and serve me and others Never looking to satisfy himself I'm learning I have a strong desire to love that way The way Russell allows Jesus to love others through hims...

Struggling To Stay Focussed

So easily overcome  My mind  wanders here and there  I'm struggling to stay focussed  I want to be near You I feel Your Spirit  Deep Deep down in my spirit You try to break through the noise My mind gets between us I'm struggling to stay focussed   I open my mouth to praise You I open my mouth to sing  Singing aloud I  praise Your Holy Name    I hear the praises coming forth And  I enter in I Enter into Your presence  I'm In I'm in the presence Of God My spirit soars It reaches the Heavenlies It's there I meet You And I'm overcome Falling prostrate on my face I feel your touch Thank you   Thank you  For allowing me to come so near  You are the God of all creation Mighty and Holy Yet gentle and f ull of love and compassion I'm overcome with your love  I'm overcome by You This so...
Go Free When you praise Me from your heart all heaviness is commanded to leave  I was sent to heal your broken heart, to open the door of your prison and let you go free There is a day of vengeance coming but it is not for you You have chosen Me therefore you will walk unbound Everything you have released to me has gone through the fire and is ashes And where there was ashes  I've given you beauty No more mourning Accept the oil of gladness and keep your heart steadfastly focused on Me and My presence You are a tree of righteousness that I have planted  And you bring glory to My name Psalm 61:1-3 NASB The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me  To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners; To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord And the day of vengeance of our Go...

Wooed into His Presence

I was wooed into His presence this morning As I entered the upstairs room My prayer room I put on worship music Then inside I felt drawn to turn down the lights And go lay on the bed There are times our Father wants to just be alone with us To love and speak into our hearts This is one of His most precious gifts to us Here is the song that wooed me into His arms this morning Enjoy His presence Blessings of Peace  and His sweet love Terry Zephaniah 3:17 "The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing" Terry


I am anchored in you You are calling me to greater things Yes You are anchored in Me  And I am calling you to greater things Don't resist the tethering Stay Still Don't pull or struggle to get free I am your freedom I am your stability I am your all in all  Nothing will ever satisfy your longings Apart from M e Your deepest longing is for Me You see child I've anchored your boat to keep you still To keep you from all the distractions you've been facing Take in the fresh air Breathe deeply and freely and unrestricted Let the gentle waves rock you like a baby in his mothers arms Listen to the water  G ently slap against the side of your boat Let go of all resistance And look right here Do you see Me Do you hear Me You are anchored in Me   Tethered for a season So rest Breathe in the fresh smell of heavenly breezes And know this sweet one I ...

The Iris The Hollyhocks and Lilies

The roaring waves came crashing over me But my God is the breaker of them all Does your soul long for Him *"The Lord on high is mightier and more glorious than the noise of many waters..." He comes like a slow soaking rain that waters my soul  Yes  He waters my soul and brings new life into my whole being Look  The Iris  The Hollyhocks  And lilies  Are sprouting up through the tares of life  Crowding out the stealers of peace These tares will not take me over    My Jesus  He is mighty to save  My God  He is the redeemer and giver of life  Sweet life  He is my helper  And will carry every burden I place upon His shoulders  His promises are sure  *"The Lord on high is mightier and more glorious than the noise of many waters; yes than the mighty breakers and waves of the sea." He stops them from washing me out to deep dark pl...

So Now What?

So Now What? The lights all over my neighborhood are no longer lit up. The garlands and mistletoe have disappeared, and all the santa's, snowmen and glitter are gone! So Now What?                                                          A new resolve to live a little different, take off a few pounds, or maybe a fresh commitment to God, prayer, and to put away focussing on me, my life and all the I have before me?  I heard a speaker/Pastor say last night that we need to STOP trying to carry what God says is His, or something like that. And in order to actually push the wheelbarrow without it tipping over we need to not fill it so full!  Life is better when balanced! He also said we have to keep moving and actually got on a bicycle and demonstrated how hard it was to ba...

I Don't Need Perfection

I don't need perfection All I need is a willing heart An open heart A heart prepared to receive love "For as the heavens are higher than the earth..." "My ways are higher than your ways" " the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth..." I come to you I will water your seeds and they will sprout Will you trust me? Will you take me at my word? Close your eyes Quiet your spirit I want you to hear the sounds of heaven  Where the trees of the field clap their hands And the mountains and the hills break forth into shouts of joy before you Is your heart willing? Will you open up your heart to love? Is your heart prepared to receive my love? Listen Listen Can you hear me? "Fear not, you will not be put to shame; neither feel humiliated, For you will not be disgraced;" I don't need perfection All I need is a willing he...