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God has something to say to us...
This is an account of what I'm hearing him say to me.
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I love Independence Day. If you want to hear a breathtaking rendition of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" download it free Klaus Music | klausmusic.com Then click on "store" then click on "mp3" Choose Battle Hymn w/ Dutch Sheets.
I grew up thinking holiness was reserved for priests and nuns. I see the danger of this thinking is that we conform more and more to the world because holiness is unattainable; or not even considered as a goal to be desired or even thought about. However the opposite is true in God's word. "..Be holy, for I am holy" First Peter 1:16. So I have to conclude it is possible. How do we become holy? Let's read what Peter had to say... beginning in 1Peter 1:13-16 "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope freely upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lust, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Be holy for I am holy." I see the world getting darker and darker and yet the contrast between light (holiness) and darkness (the...
A Threatening Storm What appeared as the greatest storm I'd ever face was upon me! I heard the Dr.s voice saying well there wasn't much clarification in the cat scan about that lump in the back of your throat but there's a lot of notes about what did show up... You have a meningioma tumor on your brain........ I immediately went into shock as I really never thought I would ever hear that word again in my lifetime. You see my former husband had suffered twelve years with a meningioma brain tumor and it finally took him home to heaven. So with uncontrollable tears streaming down my face I really didn't hear much more except he would schedule me for an MRI and an appointment to see a neurologist. I left his office completely numb and in total disbelief of what he told me. The next day the imaging office called and scheduled my MRI, and on and on it went with tests, appointments, followup appointments, other specialists with more imaging and when w...
The Miracle and Gift Even the very first Christmas was a very busy time... Bethlehem Joseph and Mary Shepherds Angels and more angels Everyone was in the hustle and bustle of registering for the census, not even realizing the most amazing happening on earth was about to take place. Traveling to their destination of Josephs hometown to register for the census, Bethlehem was buzzing with people crowding the city streets. Angels hastened down to earth to a shepherds field Shepherds hastened off to see Let's hear Luke's account... "An angel stood before them in the middle of the night..." (it seems babies love to come in the middle of the night) first blinding them with light and then more angels came and a concert began ! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, toward men. Although Christmas is still a very busy time, not many seem to want to hear the account of...
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