Secrets and shrapnel

I have decided that secrets are like the shrapnel coming from enemy fire to take us out! Let me explain; I had coffee with a friend (well really a sister) and as we were sharing our hearts with one another I began to feel lighter and lighter, burdens were being lifted. And I realize now what was happening. All the things (secrets) that I thought were so terrible, once spoken lost their sting. You see she had experienced some of the same. When we are shut inside our home being a caregiver without any connection to the outside world things start to seem the way they aren't, and then we get hit by the enemy and before we know it we think we are so terrible and that no one else has these thoughts or says these kinds of words..... Well I am here to tell you it is a LIE. In Ecclesiastes Solomon tells us there is nothing new under the sun... So that secret you think is so bad, I encourage you, tell someone and you will see it is "Nothing new under the sun" and it will lose it's grip (of guilt and shame) and you will feel free. Remember He came to set the captives free, and we are free indeed! Amen? Amen.

Blessings, Terry


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