Good Gifts

Good Gifts

There are gifts I've been given that were never bought or paid for in the marketplace. One such gift appeared right before me as I sat on the porch weeping. I had just finished reading a chapter in "The Shack." I had come to a point in the story that broke a dam of tears I had locked away since I was very small. The tears were unstoppable, and although I didn't understand where they were coming from "HE" did.

Then out of seemingly nowhere, lands this beautiful little bird with all the colors of the rainbow adorning his sweetness. I knew in that instant God had given me a very special gift, a good gift and Instinctively knew this bird was a painted bunting, not seen by many.

I do not think it was coincidence that I had just been reading in "The Shack" where the bird lighted on the windowsill while God was in the kitchen (He always seems to have that special way of letting us know it's Him). Peace swept over my whole being, producing a smile that brought the warmth of sunshine flooding over me.

The other morning just after the sun had come over the horizon; Russell and I were having our coffee; when outside the window on our birdbath landed a bird that caught my attention. In my peripheral vision I saw flashes of color like a rainbow! Could it be? I felt the excitement and pure joy of anticipation rise up. When my eyes found a resting place I clearly saw the sweetness of the painted bunting. I knew at that very instant God was telling me it was over and done; I had passed through the waters of restoration and was on the other side, the sweet side. Peace swept over my whole being, producing a smile that brought the warmth of sunshine flooding over me.

Blessings, Terry

Scripture: James 1:17 

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights."

Picture Title: Good Gifts
Taken by: Terry
Location: Joshua, Texas


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