Mark Off Your Land

Mark Off Your Land

Mark off your land. Yes! Mark it off, walk the four corners of your heart and don't give place to the enemy. Ephesians 4:26-27 tells us this; "Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil."  The word "place" is the Greek word topos, and refers to a specific, marked-off, geographical location. I so need to fully understand that the devil, and there is a devil; is just looking for any little crack to enter through. A crack that pulls apart the land of my heart and gives him an entrance on to the property; the very property of my heart. Ahhh, I hate that; just the thought of him stepping on my land...

I need to know! What exactly happens? How does the land crack open? Well, let me tell you; I live in Texas on an acre of land where the soil is clay; and by August, after days and days of dry hot weather with little to no rain; we see huge cracks in the ground. It starts with visible lines on the surface, then it splits just a hair; and before you know it without any moisture from a soaking rain, the cracks start to widen, getting deeper and deeper. Just like our hearts do when hurts and offenses come They can cause dry, hot winds to blow over the surface of our hearts. Oh God help me to be keenly aware when this happens and to quickly notice the veins of dryness. Help me to respond immediately allowing my heart to be washed in the cleansing rain of forgiveness. I say, "No" to hurts and "No" to offenses. I will not allow unforgiveness to fester causing huge gouges to start forming on my heart. I say, "No" to the enemy having an open gate onto my land. I will slam it shut; right in his face and I'll do it with forgiveness! It matters not what has caused me to be tempted to entertain an unforgiving spirit; I will let Gods' word wash over me, allowing forgiveness and cleansing rain to soak deep into the soil of my heart.

Blessings, Terry 

Scripture Reference: Eph. 4:26-27

Picture Title: "Mark Off Your Land"
Taken by: Jennifer Sanchez
Location: Washington State


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