The Doorway

The Doorway

An encounter with God is supernatural. It produces a passionate search, accompanied by so much joy, that the cares of this world seem so insignificant.  No circumstance can stand up to the Almighty's presence in the supernatural life of a born again believer that is full of Gods Spirit. Once we experience this power (Gods power in us) we'll never be the same. This is an account of how I arrived at that place of decission.

It was a doorway God designed just for me. It was so ornate, but obviously worn and weathered. It was adorned with objects, some rusty, some faded, all had changed from their original beauty; but still it held my attention with its magnificence. When I looked at this doorway for the very first time I gasped, "Oh My." It was so unique, so exquisite and yet had the appearance of having been standing there for a very long period of time. "Please" I asked, "Tell me about this"

"This my dear is the doorway to your destiny. Come, walk through it and see what treasures await just beyond. I have purchased many surprises for you! I know you have repented of trying to remake yourself. I also know you've resisted being who I created, but that is all behind you now. 

This door has been taped off and reserved for you. I design individual doors for every one of my children. But sadly not everyone will reach their doorway; the one leading to their destiny. The doorway, is really an invitation to come to me; "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest"

Each stain on your door represents an event in your childhood that kept you from entering. All the chipped paint, water stained door panels and rusty ornamental ironworks, although very creative and unique, they represent all your endeavors to make yourself acceptable and beautiful to the world. I know  you were searching frantically for your place here in this life. 

The glass in the door was placed up high so you could just get a glimpse of what lies beyond. I wanted you to come only because you wanted and loved me. 

The knarled drift wood placed on each side, though very unique and beautiful, is dead and worn. It represents your old self, the one you were striving so hard to create.

There is so much more I want you to know, but for now I just want you to understand  I have brought you here for one purpose. I've been here waiting to greet you when you unlock the door and enter into your amazing life. It is your destiny, you have the keys, you are ready! Come run, play, rest. Rest in Me.

Blessings, Terry

Scripture Ref. Matthew 11:28-30

"Come to ME, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. "Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light"

Picture Title: The Doorway
Taken by: Terry
Location: Kauai 


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