Standing on Holy Ground

Standing on Holy Ground

 I am seeking Your face, will I find you? Will You, the true and living God allow me to see your face? And if you did, could I actually stand in your presence? It is Holy Ground, I am not worthy to be in your presence;  yet you call me to boldly seek your face. Seek, Seek, Seek... Seek and ye shall find...

Will I find you oh God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Will I see you as clearly in my heart as King David? 

Ah yes David; He was a man after my heart and even though he sinned against me greatly by taking Bathsheba and plotting her husbands annihilation, he repented. I am not a God that I should lie, forgiveness is always, always granted when my children ask, and their  repentance comes out of a grieving, sorrowful heart. 

David knew there was something more than the arc of your presence, he wanted more. After the death of his son, and when forgiveness came, he threw off the garments of sackcloth and worshipped before you. So how do I stand before you Almighty God without trembling and falling to the ground? How do I reach the place of awareness of my sins and truly repent? I want to dance, I want to stand on holy ground.

Yes, yes, yes you can! When you seek for me with all your heart... I'm calling you, will you come?

Could I stand? Could I really actually stand before You? All of Israel saw Your glory and failed to stand! I pause... it is such a holy, and supernatural place where you are and I realize when it happens I may be on the top of a mountain or in the deep crevices of a valley, or walking beside the ocean where the waves pounce on to the shore. Yet you are calling...

Seek me, seek me; seek my face child. Listen, I'm calling your name, I'm calling you to come boldly before my throne of grace. Where love and forgiveness will give you wings to soar like the eagles, and eyes to see me, and ears tuned to my voice. Do you hear me?

 Yes Lord, I hear you. I need you to strengthen me so I can stand in your presence. Show me your ways, teach me your love, help me draw close; my legs are weak and my heart is not pure, my thoughts stray far from yours and I sin. Help me o God to boldly seek your face.

Just as I forgave David, I have forgiven you.There is only one more thing you need to do,  forgive yourself.  Many think this happens automatically, but It does not! You need to forgive yourself. Had David not forgiven himself he never would have found me. He never would have stood in my presence and worshiped. Davids ability to worship me after his sons death represents a repentant heart that was set free and able to stand and worship on Holy Ground "in my presence." He understood that without me he could do nothing; He would not have become a mighty King, humble and serving where I placed him. Only through receiving and granting himself forgiveness was it possible.

Are you willing to look at your heart? Will you allow me to turn on the lamp so you can see the dark corners you did not even know were there? Ok then, know this, when I do, I promise, you will be set free; and a sign to you that it's finished will be a measure of joy so overwhelming to your spirit it will release you to dance wildly before me in your freedom. The chains will drop and will no longer hold you down. You will have a brand new song you've not sung before now. The world all around you will hear it, and while watching you sing and dance your way through victory after victory will say, "only God could have caused such freedom"

Now stop! Look! You are standing on holy ground!

Blessings, Terry

Scripture References: Exodus 3:5-6;
Psalm 34:4; 2Chronicles 7:14

Picture Title: "Standing on Holy Ground"
Taken by: Alicia Lee
Location: Florida, USA


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