
Showing posts from 2010


Transformed... Really? Someone came up to me yesterday and said, "I have watched you and seen you blossom" I was humbled. You see I hear my own head say, (well actually it's the enemies voice) telling me differently.  I think the reason I was surprised is because I've been walking through a difficult, heart wrenching time.   Questioning God about my very existence here on this earth; And for months could not even set my feet on the floor each morning without crying out "Jesus help me, I need you" If you've read my blog at all, then you know my husband got promoted to heaven nine months ago. While I am still here with a destiny to fulfill, and only God knows what that is. It seems I am on a treasure hunt, and as I follow the map searching for clues, arriving at each destination, I discover yet another clue.  I press on, searching ...and searching... and searching... clue after clue. Along the way He assures me I am getting closer and to ...

Receiving Cleansing Power

We Can Only Give That Which We Have If I could only open my heart to receive all He has given, there would be no limit to what I could give.  "...Freely you have received freely give." Matthew: 10:8 So how do I learn to receive it all; what is the bible telling me? I need to know, I must  know! I cannot fulfill my destiny without knowing. Oh God teach me how to receive the power ~ Your power ~ To give and touch those That are sick in their bodies, minds and hearts. Time seems of the essence... Time is short... Teach me and show me your ways oh God. Forgiveness ~ Yes Lord Mercy ~ Yes Lord This is what God showed me when I asked How oh God do I learn to receive it all, so your miracle working power can flow through me. Do not take offense!   Do not take offense over anything - not over Any Thing And I began to realize my mind gets so cluttered so easily... "Why did she say that?" "Doesn't she know that hurts me?" Boy he sure is ungrateful... ju...

Where oh where has my Country gone...

Oh beautiful for spacious skies... For amber waves of grain... For Purple mountains majesty... Above the fruited plains.... America, America, God shed His Grace on thee... We all know this song, or should I say every American used to know this song and every time we heard it played great emotion and patriotism would stir in ones heart. But this morning while reading Gods word I was saddened to have awaken this morning and not recognize the country I have loved and been faithful to. Furthermore I don't recognize my fellow countrymen... have we all become so numb that we don't hurt for anyone or anything unless it affects us personally? In Isaiah 1:2   Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth!  For the Lord has spoken: "I have nourished and brought up  children, And they have rebelled against Me;.... 1:4  Alas, sinful nation,  A people laden with iniquity, A brood of evildoers,  Children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the Lord, They h...

Light in the Darkness

I grew up thinking holiness was reserved for priests and nuns. I see the danger of this thinking is that we conform more and more to the world because holiness is unattainable; or not even considered as a goal to be desired or even thought about. However the opposite is true in God's word. "..Be holy, for I am holy" First Peter 1:16. So I have to conclude it is possible. How do we become holy? Let's read what Peter had to say... beginning in   1Peter 1:13-16  "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope freely upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lust, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, "Be holy for I am holy."  I see the world getting darker and darker and yet the contrast between light (holiness) and darkness (the...

The Spirit is leading... Who will follow?

I believe God is allowing the old wineskins to burst.   We His children need to be willing to accept new wine skins, so that He can pour the new wine of His Holy Spirit into us. If we insist on holding onto the old doctrine it will stifle the move of the Holy Spirit, and we will burst and not be a vessel that can hold what is coming. It is a new wine, a different smell, taste and look from the old. And it's coming!!! Who will follow? Come Holy Spirit fill us with your new wine and those that burst so be it, I will not shut out your newness of life and revelation. Pour into me oh God, fill me, give to me, your servant and friend everything you have to give. I receive it all. Give me wisdom to impart to others in a manner they too can receive. I love you oh God my God. You are my strength, my deliverer, my fortress and mighty hand, always present never failing  and always victorious! Thank you Father-Remind me it is a childlike heart that allows and draws your Spirit. I cho...

Brick Wall...Is it there to stop me?

Have you ever had such a burden in your heart for someone that watching their pain made you feel so helpless?  I have had close relationships. Many in which my heart is burdened. Their pain causes me to hurt and I try my best to help them understand that joy and peace can be theirs. They don't have to continue struggling on a road that just goes around and around in a circle, with no focal point, or destination. I've shared  stories  with them how my God has helped and provided. They have seen for themselves all the miracles; only to choose erecting a brick wall and because I didn't watch where I was going I ran    right into it. In Bill Johnson's book "Dreaming with God" he says something that caught my attention on this very subject. And I quote "The Holy Spirit knows what truth to breath on according to the particular season of our life." End quote. WOW! Maybe I want this person to fall in line so I don't have to worry about them anymore...

Anger, Resentment, Unforgiveness, It Burns!

Anger Resentment Unforgiveness It Burns I wonder how different the outcome, had Daniel chosen to be angry and fearful in the midst of this betrayal.  It's obvious King Darius had respect for and esteemed Daniel. Daniel 6:1-3 , Let's pick up the story here... v. 1-3 "It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom; one hundred satraps,(I would liken them to mayors) to be over the whole kingdom; and over these, three governors, of whom Daniel was one, that the satraps might give account to them, so that the king would suffer no loss. Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm. " So here we have Daniel receiving a promotion and the next thing that happens is the others become hot with envy and try to look for a way to take him out. How many times an envious spirit has come over me and caused havoc in relationships, producing so much dis...

Though the Sea is Raging

Though The Sea is Raging What is it about the high seas that cause such havoc in my life? I am going along pretty peacefully and wham the wave hits with a force that feels like it's going to capture me and take me under and out to the deepest, darkest, most frightening place it can find.  One such event that recently came crashing into my being was the death of my sweetheart. I have never felt such pain in my entire existence here on this earth. It was as if I was being tossed around in the violent undercurrent with no way to escape; completely encapsulated with fear and pain, I wasn't sure I would come out alive. Then the sea washed me to shore and I was so bruised and bloody I could hardly walk. So I sat there and cried like a baby and then cried some more and some more, until there was not another tear that would spring forth from my swollen eyeballs.  OK, so I guess I established "It Hurt" But the other part of the story is there was a power all...

Down The Road We Go

How sweet of Jesus to come back to earth for 40 days after He was killed to reassure his friends that all was well and would continue to be Ok. Last week my sweetheart left this world to join Jesus and all the others who have entered His glory and presence. My heart is aching. I now don't have to imagine what Peter, John and the rest must have felt  when Jesus was no longer walking down the road with them...  Mike and I were one, and for the last 3.5 years we were hardly ever apart. When you are with a person like this you learn so much about them and become so intimately connected. So when all of a sudden they leave us, our existence changes and will never be the same. But God.... Yes God, our sweet Father has sent us comfort in the Holy Spirit; and not comfort only but power! Acts 1:8   And now my focus changes from being one with Mike to being one with the Father. In John 17 starting in verse 6 Jesus says "I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have g...

He will take you up on a high mountain

Just after God told Jesus He was His beloved Son, and right before His (Jesus) ministry really got going, something happened that I think is worth taking a look at. The devil shows up at a time when Jesus was physically weakened. He'd just spent 40 days in utter closeness with His Father, fasting, praying, and seeking; getting prepared for His calling here on earth. "Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. (Luke 4:5) Because you see the world is all he has to offer, God has so much more for his children!  Now I don't think the enemy has changed his ways of doing things. If he is so bold as to go after Gods' Son it shouldn't surprise us that he'll come after us when we have heard from God in a powerful way. Example: I have been on a path of restoration and deliverance for awhile now and God has revealed much to me. Having said that, there was still something inside me ...

It's slippery but I wont fall

Hmmm... if Jesus is our example and He lived kinda homeless (in the worlds sense) how come we think we should be so comfy in our warm little (or big) houses, with a fire blazing to keep us warm and beautiful pictures on the walls (which are all painted decorator colors) and flowers growing in all the gardens? In the book of Luke I was reading that Jesus called on twelve people to help him out in spreading the "kingdom" here on earth. He also told them not to take anything for the journey, not even their walking sticks (staffs). Is He crazy? No food not even a change of clothes (now I would really have a problem with this one). And also NO MONEY!!!! Ok so one morning I wake up and this friend of mine says "Terry I need you to help me out. I am going from town to town (on foot) talking to people and meeting all their needs and I want you to come with me. I will teach you how to use the power My Father gives to all that hook up with Him. Now keep in mind that recently ne...